
Metro Commercial Inks 5 New Leases in Allentown’s Airport Center

New stores opening include Game Stop, Five Below and Performance Bike. Allentown, PA - June 3, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- As part of its exclusive representation of Airport Center in Allentown, PA, Metro Commercial announced that it has brokered 5 leases totaling over 22,000 square feet. Opening in the summer of 2010 are Game Stop, Five Below, Roma Ristorante, Namu Jewelery and Performance Bike.

Popular Government & Nonprofit Press Releases

PHA To Use On-line Housing Applications For First Time

Philadelphia, PA - March 2, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Philadelphia Housing Authority announced today it would begin accepting applications for the Housing Choice Voucher Program on-line, through its Web site,

Recent Government & Nonprofit Press Releases

Governor Wolf Outlines How Restore Pennsylvania Will Benefit Municipalities

Building on his commitment to support Pennsylvania’s communities, Governor Tom Wolf spoke at the Pennsylvania Municipal League’s Capitol Conference to outline how Restore Pennsylvania will benefit municipalities and overhaul Pennsylvania’s infrastructure.