PA Treasurer McCord: Treasury Holds Over $315,000 in Unclaimed Property Belonging to Vets, Service...
Harrisburg, PA - November 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Pennsylvania Treasury holds more than $315,000 in unclaimed property that belongs to veterans, active duty personnel, and military support organizations, and State Treasurer Rob McCord wants to help return this property to its rightful owners.
Veterans Day is celebrated as HELP USA’s Brady Center opens to provide services for...
Philadelphia, PA - November 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Veteran’s Day was celebrated by Congressman Bob Brady (D., PA) at the dedication of the brand new Robert G. Brady Veterans Center at the HELP Philadelphia Homes, in Southwest Philadelphia.
PA Treasurer McCord: Treasury’s Property Return Team Helping Veterans Claim What’s Theirs
HARRISBURG, PA - November 9, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- As Veterans Day draws near, Pennsylvania Treasurer Rob McCord and his Unclaimed Property Return Team are working to help veterans organizations across the Commonwealth claim what is theirs – so far returning more than $73,000 in unclaimed property and identifying $14,000 more belonging to organizations.